Deployment models

Flexible Billing System

We allow users to choose their billing plans. You can pick any billing method for your Linux server management system, daily, monthly, or hourly.

Uptime guarantee

24/7 Service

We ensure your server remains online 24/7 without downtime issues. Our specially trained team can hear all your queries and resolve the issues anytime.

Flexible billing

DDoS Protection

All our SSD hosting servers are highly secure, providing users with the best virtual private servers. A DDoS-protected VPS has DDoS mitigation, which means the network or data gets protection from harmful attacks.

Realtime server activation

Fast and Easy Firewall configuration

Easily configure, set up, manage, and secure your firewall with our linux web hosting platform.

24/7 online

Live backup Option

While the server is online and running, you can easily back up the data without worrying about downtime.

Secure setup

Instant Deployment

Get a fast and reliable linux hosting provider with us. Where most hosting solutions take hours to days, we have created a server that can solve your needs in seconds.

Firewall setup

Full Root Access

Our linux vps server also allows users to take full control of the server just like the dedicated server but at a lower price range.

Fast memory and technology

Managing Database

Organize, edit, and manage the database directly on our advanced platform. Our custom-designed database system helps you in managing the whole system smoothly.

Get Started With Linux VPS Today

Discover our cheap linux VPS hosting plans, featuring flexible contract durations to suit your needs. By committing to a 3 to 24-month plan, you can enjoy significant savings with discounts of up to 33% off. Take a closer look at our pricing plans to find the perfect solution tailored to your requirements and budget.

Premium plans

Starting at just 3.99/month and scaling up to 719.99/month, our premium plans cater to websites with lighter traffic loads. These value-packed options provide a cost-effective solution for growing online presence without compromising performance.

CPU Optimized

The perfect balance of performance with our CPU-optimized plans, designed to deliver exceptional processing power. Choose from various packages, starting at just 5.99/month and scaling up to 1099/month to suit your unique requirements.

Memory Optimized

Maximize efficiency with our memory-optimized packages, which are ideal for businesses using memory-intensive applications. These cost-effective plans range from 45.99 to 1099/month, ensuring optimal performance for diverse memory requirements.

16 locations worldwide for your application






Fedora serverThe Fedora Project (Red Hat-sponsored) developed the Fedora Linux distribution. It is a stable and reliable OS with several graphical tools. The Fedora project significantly focuses on providing free and the latest software versions.

Instead of making its desktop environment, Fedora uses 'upstream' software. It has a GNOME3 desktop environment by default. Fedora is among the most user-friendly Linux distributions because of its simple, out-of-the-box, easily accessible applications.

This flexible and powerful OS is compatible with desktops, servers, laptops, and other IoT ecosystems. Fedora is mainly used for learning and is handy for new developer students.

Fedora has always used the DNF package manager, which is still its default. It offers the latest and the best RPM software packages. Fedora has maintained a six-month release schedule since 2003, although some versions were slightly delayed.

Its latest version, Fedora Workstation 37, is a desktop OS of the Fedora project. It features the latest GNOME 43 desktop debuting with Fedora 37.

It has tailored several improvements to enhance user experience, including:

  • a new toggle menu, other GNOME Software updates, features new wallpaper with lighting variants, significant changes to the Nautilus file manager and other technical refinements.

The five Fedora editions

Officially, there are five Fedora editions available. Each is open source, free, and easy to download from the Fedora website:

Fedora Workstation: It is a polished, user-friendly, and easy-to-use OS for desktops and laptops, entailing an extensive set of tools for software makers and developers.

Fedora IoT: Fedora IoT offers a reliable and trusted open-source platform which is the foundation of a strong IoT ecosystem.

Fedora Server: is a flexible and powerful OS that helps control all infrastructure and managed services using the latest data center technologies.

Fedora Cloud: This edition is a minimal base and powerful OS image tailored with images for both public and private cloud usage.

Fedora CoreOS: Fedora CoreOS updates automatically and is a container-focused and minimal OS.

Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu serverUbuntu is a Debian-based Linux distribution developed by Canonical and other developers. It has three editions – Server, Core, and Desktop. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux OS version, specially designed for Linux newcomers. We have found from using this product that it has a user-friendly interface that comes with free software and pre-installed apps.

Ubuntu is comparatively a more secure operating system with lower exposure risks to viruses and malware. In addition, it is a flexible and highly customizable OS that enables users to adjust it according to their suitability.

By default, Ubuntu uses the GNOME desktop environment. However, it has recently developed its unity-styled desktop environment of full length. The vanilla GNOME, on the other hand, has a shorter launcher.

Ubuntu releases its new version every six months and is currently processing an expansion to run on smartphones and tablets. The latest version is Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (codenamed Jammy Jellyfish).

Jammy Jellyfish offers several new features. It has:

  • a unique detachable dock mode,

  • a new screenshot and screencast tool,

  • now enable and disable animations options, etc.

It has also improved some previous glitches, such as the troubles of Grub 2.06, revamped the Software Center slightly, again made Wayland as default, etc. Moreover, Ubuntu's latest version released a brand-new logo as well.

Different server versions of Ubuntu include:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 64bit

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64bit

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64bit minimal

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64bit with LXDE Desktop

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64bit with Webuzo control panel

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit minimal

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit with VestaCP control panel

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit with Webmin

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit with Webmin/Virtualmin/LAMP

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit with Plesk Onyx

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64bit with HestiaCP

  • Ubuntu 20.04 64bit

  • Ubuntu 22.04 64bit

Ubuntu is the basis of various other Linux distributions such as Ubuntu Mate 22.04, Xubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu Budgie 22.04, Kubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish), Lubuntu 22.04, Regolith Linux 1.6, Greenie 20.04, Pop!_OS 22.04, etc.


Debian serverDebian is a renowned mother of popular Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Deepin, etc. These OS have provided stable and solid performance offering an unparalleled user experience. Since its first release in 1993, Debian has offered the widest range of packages compared to other distributions.

Based on our firsthand experience, Debian releases new versions quite slowly, and its update cycle is also long, enabling developers to use the same version for longer. They don't have to install upgraded software and reboot servers frequently. Thus, Debian is considered the most stable and excellent distribution for running servers.

Debian uses the Unix-like Linux kernel and other program components, mostly from GNU Project. Debian releases are roughly biennial, the most recent being Debian 11, codenamed "Bullseye." Every Debian release name is based on the movie Toy Story's names.

The Debian project provides over 59,000 software packages. It supports an array of desktops and encompasses a broader range of system architectures in every new version. Debian aims to create a strong balance between cutting-edge technology and the stability of servers.

Debian has three primary development branches. These include:

  1. Stable: This branch contains the officially released latest distributions of Debian. It is Debian's production release and is essentially recommended. Current stable Debian distributions include version 11 (bullseye). Earlier, it was released as version 11.0 and later updated to version 11.6

  2. Testing: This entails packages that are yet to be released. These are still in the queue to be accepted into the "stable" release. The testing distribution contains more recent software versions, which is one of its significant advantages. The current testing version is version 12 (codenamed bookworm), expected to be released in 2023.

  3. Unstable: Debian's active development occurs in the "unstable" distribution, also called 'sid.' Usually, developers and users willing to experiment run this distribution. They are all advised to subscribe to the Debian-level-announce mailing list, where they can receive notifications indicating major changes.


Gentoo serverAs indicated by our tests, Gentoo is a fast, secure, versatile, and free Linux distribution for developers and professionals. It describes itself as a meta-distribution of Linux owing to its advanced adaptability feature.

One of the core features of Gentoo is that it offers possible speed upgrades of optimization. To signify this feature, it was named after the fastest swimming penguin species, Gentoo penguins.

Being an advanced Linux distribution, Gentoo is not ideal for beginners. It is usually recommended for experts with a more profound knowledge of Linux OS ins and outs.

It works on Portage, an advanced, source-based package management system. Portage is a Python-based true ports collection system. Ports collections refer to sets of patches and makefiles provided by BSD-based distros, including NetBSD, OpenBSD, etc. 

Portage offers numerous features such as safe unmerging, virtual packages, fine-grained package management, etc. It is also native to other Gentoo-based distros like Calculate Linux and Sabayon.

, Unlike binary software distribution, Gentoo is locally compiled per the user’s requirements and preferences. Linux users get complete control of the software services installed and running on their PCs. So they can easily optimize and customize their systems. 

Earlier, Gentoo installation could be started from three base stages: 

  1. Stage 1: Started with the equipment to build a toolchain for the target system. These include several linkers, compilers, and language libraries required to compile software. Compiling and bootstrapping the target system were also included in Stage 1. 

  2. Stage 2: Begins with the self-hosting toolchain, later used to compile other core userland software for the target system. 

  3. Stage 3: Initiates with a minimal set of compiled user software. The Linux kernel or any other software is configured and compiled using this. 

However, only Stage 3 installations have been officially supported since 2005, owing to the complexities of bootstrapping in the earlier stages. Only Stage 3 tarballs are publicly available for users. Stage 1 and 2 tarballs are officially generated and used only by the internal Gentoo development teams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Linux VPS hosting?

VPS, short for Virtual Private Server hosting, acts like an isolated, virtual environment over a physical server. It uses virtualization technology to split the single physical machine into multiple private servers for sharing resources. This way, a single user gets their setup to run their website. It also eliminates the wastage of money and resources that users usually witness while working with a physical server.

What if I am not familiar with the Linux operating system? Can I still use it?

The basic knowledge you will require while working with Linux is of the terminal console. You can work on the Linux operating system without issues if you have ample knowledge of this topic.

Is VPS Server a good hosting provider?

During our time using the product, for those who are looking to scale up their business, VPS hosting is the best option to go with. It gives the user complete control over the website and its resources. You can easily manage your corporate websites and e-commerce stores with the help of VPS hosting. Moreover, it is much more affordable than a dedicated web hosting option.

What is the difference between shared hosting and VPS hosting?

Our findings show that shared hosting and VPS hosting serve different purposes. Suppose a website owner plans to host a website and blog without dealing with server configuration and administration issues. In that case, a shared hosting plan is a better option.

Whereas if you require a dedicated plan for running an operating system and gaining full access to managing the website, VPS hosting is the best option to work with. It helps the user access full root and configures the website to suit your needs.

Can I share Linux VPS with other users?

Yes, it is possible to share linux VPS hosting with other users. But to keep your server secure, keeping your linux vps credentials private from others is best. Even if you trust the other user, compromising your website's security is not the best option. It can increase the chances of exposing the website to several security threats.

What Linux operating systems do you offer?

Debian: Debian is an open-source linux software that offers around 59,000 packages and supports a wide range of functions. From editing documents, developing software, connecting to networks, debugging packages, mixing sound, and playing games, the list can go on and on.

Alpine Linux: One of the most popular Linus operating systems, Alpine Linux is designed for firewalls, routers, VPNs, VoIP boxes, servers, and containers. The main goal behind creating this operating system is to secure the website with innovative features like PaX and SSP.

Rocky Linux: Another popular linux operating system is Rocky Linux, designed after CentOS was discontinued. Rocky Linux's notable features are binary compatibility, downstream, and consistent upgradation of software upgrades.

Oracle Linux: Oracle Linux is a high-performing and secure operating system that provides automation, virtualization, automation, and native computing tools for web hosting. It offers easy to manage support system and is completely free to use.

Cloud Linux: Cloud Linux is designed to provide a safe and secure web hosting environment. It uses kernel-level technology to prevent the website from getting attacked.

Open Suse: Open Suse increases the system's reliability and maintains its security. It allows users to deploy IT services across plenty of environments.

Alma Linux: The Alma Linux community is built and developed to provide a secure and reliable platform for web hosting to users.

What additional services do you offer?

Secure Linux Web Hosting Experience

Our cheap linux hosting plans come with high security and protection to ensure no issues arise while managing it.

Full Control Over The Resources

We ensure that the users have complete control over their resources and can make optimal changes like adjustments in the size of RAM for excellent performance.

Reduces Costs

With our customized plans, you can reduce the overall expenditure on purchasing necessary resources. We have three main plans: Premium, Memory-optimised, and CPU optimized.

Low Latency Rate

Our versatile plans allow users to enjoy an unstoppable and faster network across 16 locations globally. You can also use 3-way simultaneous storage space, which allows users to store information on the cloud server or the VPS hosting platform.

Do you provide the user with a customization offer?

Yes, at VPS Server, the users can custom-build a plan according to their needs. Contact our tech team today and tell us all your requirements. We will devise a plan catering to your cheap Linux vps hosting needs. Our cheap linux server plans will help you in resolving all your issues.

Do you offer plan upgradation on your Linux VPS plan?

We at VPS Server are well aware that users hosting requirements can change at any time. That's why we offer users the flexibility to downgrade or downgrade the cheapest linux vps servers and hosting plans any time they want. You can adjust your server resources with the help of our control panel and avoid any data loss or downtime. With our specialized team available 24/7, you can upgrade or downgrade your services anytime.

Linux or Windows: Which hosting is best for WordPress?

As indicated by our tests, for WordPress hosting, Linux is much better than Windows OS. WordPress runs on PHP, which takes up plenty of time for configuration compared to Windows. The Microsoft Access database may slow down your website as it is not as strong as MySQL. Linux requires no licensing and is a much more affordable tool than Windows. Most hosting platforms provide an intuitive dashboard that can be accessed easily through Linux. Like WordPress, linux is also an open-source platform where developers keep contributing to make it a secure and stable platform. Moreover, linux is flexible enough for application development and custom code.

How do I get started with a free trial?

To start your free Linux VPS server 30-day trial period, including services worth up to $100, sign up here and validate your e-mail address. Then, you can use the management console to deploy a server and test our infrastructure. You can select a data center, operating system, CPU, RAM, storage, and other system preferences.

Worldwide locations

Benefits of Linux VPS

Managed server solutions

Get High End and Scalable Solutions Across 16 Locations

Cost-effective variantsAre you looking for scalable and affordable vps servers that could handle your linux website all across the globe? With our high-end solution, you don't have to look any further. We have a solid network of cheap vps across 16 locations worldwide with low latency rates.

Through our trial and error, we discovered that low Latency is essential in choosing a linux VPS hosting provider. It makes the website function faster and reduces the time required to complete an order.

Increases SEO Ranking

Our Linux vps hosting solution provides an isolated environment and complete control over your website. With these features, users get blazing-fast speed which helps bring more website traffic. In such cases, the need to use more resources arise for managing the traffic. If a website handles all this seamlessly, Google and other search engines will try to push its ranking to the top.

Our Standard Storage Replication Feature

Our triple data replication feature ensures your data remains safe and secure. This feature reduces any risk of data loss if there is data corruption or drive failure. We provide a reliable data backup system that stores three copies of the same data, making it a better option than backing up data in every host.

Benefits of using standard replication feature:

  • Automatic Data Recovery

  • Periodic Backup and Recovery Snapshots

  • Realtime Three Way Data Replication

  • End-to-End Data Integrity

Understand the Basics of Linux VPS Hosting

What is Linux VPS Hosting?

Server locationsLinux Virtual Private Server Hosting (VPS Hosting) is a digital hosting solution for Linux operating systems with dedicated memory, CPU cores, and space for a single user. The benefit of running Linux on a VPS hosting platform is that users can customize the server to fulfil specific demands.

Although linux VPS hosting is more suitable for websites with high traffic, bloggers can also use this cost-effective and affordable technology. Plenty of operating systems, like Ubuntu and CentOS, are based on Linux. With our Linux VPS hosting system, you can choose from plenty of OS: Debian Server, Centos, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, ClearOS, and many more.

What are the uses of Linux VPS?

Web Hosting

Web hosting is the first and foremost function of a linux VPS server. It is one of the common features of linux VPS hosting providers.

Mail Server

Linux web server uses special encryption software, providing a safe and secure environment for sending emails.

Backing Up Files

With linux vps, users can help maintain a record and back up all the files in different locations.

Sharing Files

Linux vps allows users to transfer and sync files between various devices and the VPS server.

How Linux VPS Hosting Works?

In linux vps, the hosting provider uses virtualization technology to set up a web host in an isolated website environment. Along the way, virtual servers are created and managed with a hypervisor.

You can install a hypervisor either on the physical server or on top of the operating system. It creates a virtualization layer that divides the VPs from the rest of the virtual machines. Thus, making it a standalone machine.

With this, the customers can access a virtual duplicate of the original server. This virtual server duplicate is called a virtual machine. A VM has different RAM, OS, CPU, and individual applications. By following a similar process, VPS keeps creating replicas of similar functions.

Cheap Linux VPS Hosting

Linux is an open-source operating system that handles a system's resources and hardware directly. This operating system sits between the hardware and applications for connecting hardware and various applications.

With our Linux VPS hosting, users can enjoy working on a virtual dedicated server platform without technical difficulties. Our linux vps hosting plan helps users focus on other aspects of the business by taking care of the website and its functions.

Benefits of Choosing Linux VPS Hosting Services

One of the prime reasons for choosing our linux vps hosting service is that we provide tailor-made and flexible service. Our highly customized plans will ensure you don't have to pay for unnecessary service.

>When we tested this product, we discovered that Linux is a platform with an active community of users and developers constantly working on upgrading it. They focus on creating a secure and stable platform to help users in upscaling their businesses.

By adding our VPS hosting service, you can build a solid and reliable domain that will help you increase your website's performance. We are determined to help you get the best Linux VPS hosting experience with Almalinux, Alpine Linux and Arch Linux.

24/7 Customer Support and Customization

We offer customization and configuration options to help users manage their requirements. Do you require any assistance? Contact our skilled tech crew any time of the day and get expert advice.

Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting Providers

Server locationsA managed VPS (virtual private server) will provide you with a separate and independent server you can control using the cPanel option. Each managed vps has SSD storage where MySQL databases are situated. They provide the quickest response to ensure that the applications run smoothly. The primary purpose of VPS hosting is to provide the users with a similar environment as in shared hosting but with many more resources.

In unmanaged vps hosting, business owners must handle everything and maintain all the tasks. This can make the whole work more time-consuming and tedious. That's why most business owners prefer using managed over managed and unmanaged vps hosting.

Why Choose Our Managed Linux VPS Plan?

With our cheap Linux vps managed to host plan, you can get plenty of benefits:

Get Regular Updates

Our managed vps hosting plan will provide you with all the new updates in technology from time to time. We also offer an option to implement the updates over the website.

Error and stress-free work

With our managed vps services for hosting plan users, users can avoid the risk of creating any error. The managed VPS system will ensure only the correct information is updated on the website.

Server Monitoring

As we fully manage your website, our team will regularly monitor it to ensure no technical damages arise during heavy traffic surges.

Server locations

Benefits of Choosing Linux VPS Hosting With VPS Server

Below mentioned benefits will help you understand VPS server better:

Dedicated IP address

With our cloud VPS hosting service, you will get dedicated resources and IP addresses for managing your business. You do not have to share CPU, space, RAM, or bandwidth with any other customer.

Affordable Services

Linus VPS hosting usually costs more than shared hosting plans but is more affordable than dedicated hosting. With our high-performing and cost-effective VPS hosting plan, you don't have to look elsewhere. Our versatile pricing plans will help you save without hindering your experience.


It can be difficult for linux servers to manage the fluctuating numbers during heavy traffic demands. With our cheap linux vps plans, you can scale your business and meet the increasing demand seamlessly.


A domain on a full linux vps hosting cost and server performs at an extreme and unstoppable speed. By allowing us to handle the server part, experience 20x faster hosting speed. Take your website to another level with our cheap linux vps hosting plans.

Easy Upgradation and Testing

We offer easy upgradation of dedicated resources like 2 GB to 4GB, advancing OS, and more at a lightening fast speed. You can also test applications and web tools associated with the linux server over our platform.